Friday, August 30, 2013


HABIBIE AINUN, The recent love story
  One of the most popular romantic melodrama movies by a young director, Faozan Rizal, has break record of the most watched movie in theater. The movie which based from B.J habibie’s biography “HABIBIE & AINUN”, are starring by Reza Rahardian as Habibie, and Bunga citra Lestari as Ainun.
  The story of this movie, which based of BJ habibie’s biography began with the first met of Rudy Habibie and Ainun when they were in high school. As the two smartest students, their teachers and friends were often making fun of them and told her that she looked like palm sugar because she has dark skin. When they were graduated, Rudy work as an engineer from Germany and Ainun work as a pediatrician
  Ainun, though she had many admirers, but the one she loved the most was only Rudy. After married a few months later at 12 May 1962, Rudy returned to Germany with his wife. The power of their love made them survived and fought until they had their established position. Bad thing appeared suddenly when a doctor told Ainun that she got ovarian cancer, fortunately she can survived. Rudy as a genius person of Indonesia had a big dream to make plane for his country. This big dream then came true. Rudy made IPTN (industri pesawat terbang nusantara) in 1974.
  His career in Indonesia increased from time to time, but not easy at all, and his big dream came true through Gatotkoco in 1995. In 1998 crisis happened in Indonesia and student demanded president Soeharto to step down. Rudy then was appointed to replace Soeharto, but it was not long before people accused him of corruption until he decides not to run for president again. In all that times, Ainun was always there to support him, to be his medicine, to be his shoulder for him to lean and to cry together.
  Happiness returned to their life, but unfortunately the ovarian cancer in ainun appeared again and even more severe. Until the time she couldn’t survive like before. Rudy did everything to save the life the woman he loved the most, but nothing he could do when death came.
 This movie is not only showing the romance between prof. Habibie and his wife, but also showing the political condition of Indonesia at that time. Indonesia also can see how the people in Germany have a great respect to prof. Habibie, while Indonesia appointed him did corruption.
  Although the acting and makeup of Reza rahardian and bunga citra lestari are great, but their body gesture when being old doesn’t fit. They only had old face but the body just like young people. And as Ainun, Bunga citra lestari doesn’t fit for the image of Java oriental woman like ainun.
  Overall, this movie contains a very nice love story. By this movie, we could see that the real true love is not Romeo and Juliet who tragically suicide to keep their love to each other, but Habibie and Ainun who grew old together and separated by destiny of death. This movie is a great movie in the end of 2012, but I think this movie will get more moviegoers if release right on Valentine’s Day.
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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

News item

People Killed and Injured in Blast at Nightclub
Three people have been killed and eight others injured in a hand grenade blast at a packed village nightclub.
The explosion in Idvor, north of Belgrade, occurred at 2:30 a.m. Sunday (0030 GMT Sunday; 8:30 p.m. EDT Saturday) when a man activated the grenade at the entrance to the club. About 150 customers were inside at the time.
Such incidents aren't unusual in Serbia since the wars in the Balkans in the 1990s when many hand grenades and firearms were taken home from war fronts.
Serbia's state TV says the man was angry because he and three of his friends were refused entry by the club's security. He and one of his friends were killed in the blast.
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Saturday, August 24, 2013

Discussion Text

The advantages and Disadvantages of Distance Learning
A few years ago, distance learning was seen as an inferior way but nowadays even famous and established traditional colleges and universities are providing distance learning courses and it is generally considered a way to improve one's life.
However, people still argue whether distance learning give more advantage or disadvantage. Some of them who see the benefit of distance learning will say that distance learning needs no commuting. Of course it saves money and time that students would take. Furthermore, distance learning can be done at any student’s convenience. Mostly of the classes of distance learning are asynchronous. It means that students do not have to attend a lecture at a fixed particular time and place. Students can review the assignments and do their homework during off-hours or from home. Additionally, distance learning gives more accessibility. No one can deny it. People with limited mobility may encounter the problem when they take traditional class. With the online class system, the problem is absent.
Despite the many advantages, the other people will see that distance learning is costly and needs complex technology. To attend online learning, student must have a computer with possibly access to the internet. Admitted or not, such technology devices are not always available for common students. Another disadvantage of distance learning is that it does not provide immediate feedback. Unlikely traditional classroom, students have to wait for the feedback and comment until the instructor has review the works and sent response to them. Most of the time students will study alone. Distance learners may feel isolated or miss that social physical interaction that comes with attending a traditional classroom.
Regarding the individual’s learning style, some students are able to learn when there is a live interaction between them and the available of accompanying teacher while others don’t really need it. So before deciding a choice of attending distance learning or not, each student needs to do a fair analysis regarding the kind of person he/she is.
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Saturday, August 17, 2013

Penggunaan Adjective (kata sifat) dan Adverb (kata keterangan)

Adjective (kata sifat) memberikan informasi tentang kata benda. Contoh:
·         She’s an excellent dancer.
·         I’ve got a new apartment.
Adverb (kata keterangan) merubah kata kerja, yakni kata keterangan menjelaskan bagaimana sesuatu dilakukan. Contoh:
- She learns quickly.
- You can speak English well.
Adjective (kata sifat)
Adjective bisa ditempatkan sebelum kata benda. Contoh:
·         This is a beautiful bird.
·         “This is a bird beautiful.” tidak benar.
Kata sifat memberikan informasi seperti ukuran (kecil, besar), bentuk (bulat, persegi), warna (kuning, hijau), kebangsaan (Cina, Polandia), dan opini (baik, buruk).
Adjective tidak mengalami perubahan yang tergantung pada jumlah (tunggal atau jamak). Contoh:
·         She has a cute puppy.
·         She has three cute puppies.
Perhatikan bahwa adjective (cute) tidak mengalami perubahan baik dalam bentuk tunggal (puppy) maupun jamak (puppies).
Adjective juga bisa ditempatkan setelah kata kerja tertentu seperti be, feel, look, dan taste. Contoh:
·         I’m really happy today.
·         She’s got a new job so she feels great.
·         You look wonderful!
·         This chicken tastes delicious.
Adverb (kata keterangan)
Adverb sering dibentuk dengan menambahkan -ly di belakang adjective. Contoh:
·         quick (adjective) - He’s quick at learning new things.
·         quickly (adverb) - He learns quickly.
·         bad (adjective) - He didn’t get a bad test score.
·         badly (adverb) - He didn’t do badly in his test.
Untuk adverb yang terbentuk dari adjective yang berakhiran dengan huruf “-y”ganti “-y” dengan “-i” dan tambahkan “-ly“. Contoh:
·         easy (adjective) - He thinks math is easy.
·         easily (adverb) - He can do math easily.
·         happy (adjective) - He’s a happy man.
·         happily (adverb) - He works happily every day.
Untuk adverb yang terbentuk dari adjective yang berakhiran dengan huruf “-le” ganti “-le” dengan “-ly“. Contoh:
·         simple (adjective) - The teacher makes difficult things simple.
·         simply (adverb) - He teaches simply and clearly.
Beberapa adverb sama dengan adjective. Contoh:
·         He runs fast (adverb) - He’s a fast runner. (adjective)
·         He studies hard. (adverb) - It’s a hard life. (adjective)
Adverb untuk “good” adalah “well“. Contoh:
·         She’s a good pianist.
·         She plays the piano well.
Adverb juga bisa mengubah adjective dan adverb-adverb lainnya. Contoh:
·         That’s a good book.
·         That’s a very good book.
·         She’s a talented girl.
·         She’s an incredibly talented girl.
·         You’re right!
·         You’re absolutely right!

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Thursday, August 15, 2013

Penjelasan tentang Phrasal Verb

Sebagian phrasal verb dapat diartikan dari tiap kata penyusunnya (verb dan particle) atau dari kata kerjanya saja dimana particle digunakan untuk memberi penekanan arti. Sehingga tidak terlalu sulit bagi non-native learner untuk memahami frasa tersebut.
§  Contoh:
§  You can put off your shoes here. (Kamu dapat melepas sepatumu disini.)
§  He will get into trouble if you drink alcohol. (Dia akan masuk ke dalammasalah jika dia minum alkohol.)
The man has decided to close his business down. (Pria itu telah memutuskan untuk menutup usahanya selamanya.)
Namun sebagian phrasal verb yang lain yang tidak dapat ditebak artinya dari komponen penyusunnya atau dengan kata lain merupakan idiom. Kelompok inilah yang kerap membingungkan. Solusinya adalah dengan menghapalkan phrasal verb bermakna idiom yang umum digunakan sehari-hari.
§  While studying, she dropped off. (Ketika sedang belajar, dia tertidur.)
§  The subsidized fuel has run out(BBM Premium telah habis.)
Selain itu, banyak pula phrasal verb tersebut yang memiliki lebih dari satu makna, baik yang bermaknaidiom maupun sebenarnya.
§  Toni picked up that ball. (Toni mengambil (dengan tangan) bola itu.)
§  Pick up your shoes. (Rapikan sepatumu.)
My brother picked up some hats. (Saudara laki-lakiku mengoleksi beberapa buah topi.)
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Monday, August 12, 2013

Phrasal verb atau kata kerja frase

Phrasal verb atau kata kerja frase adalah gabungan dari sebuah verb + preposisi. Pharasal verb sangat umum dalam bahasa Inggris dan bisa memiliki lebih dari satu arti. Pharasal verb sangat penting dipelajari khususnya untuk penggunaan dalam speaking. Salah satu verb yang memiliki banyak phrasal verb adalah “get“, 8 diantaranya yang sangat umum adalah sebagai berikut:
Get up
Bangun dari tempat tidur di pagi hari. Ini berbeda dengan ‘wake up’ yang berarti terjaga atau saat kita membuka mata setelah tertidur.
Example: Although my alarm wakes me up at 5, I don’t get up until 6:30.
Get into
Masuk ke mobil atau taksi. Kita menggunakan ‘get on’ untuk bus dan kereta api, tetapi untuk mobil kita pakai ‘get into’.
Example: Jack is too fat to get into his car.
Get on (with someone)
Memiliki hubungan yang baik dengan seseorang.
Example: She doesn’t get on with her brother. They’re always fighting.
Get off
Saat dimana kita menyelesaikan pekerjaan dan kembali ke rumah di hari itu.
Example: Do you wanna go for a dinner after work? I get off at 4:00.
Get in (somewhere)
Berhasil memasuki sebuah tempat setelah berusaha keras atau bahkan menggunakan tindakan kriminal.
Example: Thieves got in the office by breaking the window.
Get (someone) down
To get (someone) down berarti ada sesuatu yang membuat tidak senang atau depresi.
Example: Don’t let your love problems get you down.
Get over (something)
To get over (something) berarti membaik atau pulih dari penyakit atau setelah kejadian yang membuat kita tidak senang.
Example: He was sad when he broke up with his girlfriend, but now he has got over it.
Get together
Bertemu dan menghabiskan waktu bersama-sama
Example: Every Saturday we get together with some friends and have dinner in a restaurant.

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Thursday, August 8, 2013

Contoh phrasal verb dalam kalimat

§  We usually eat out for both lunch and dinner.
(Kita biasanya makan restoran baik makan siang maupun malam.)

§  All babies need a lot of love to grow up.
(Semua bayi memmbutuhkan banyak cinta untuk tumbuh.)

§  It is important to keep away from one who always try to put you down.
(Penting untuk menghindar dari seseorang yang selalu mengeritikmu.)

§  If I were you, I’d watch out for food expiration dates at the grocery store.
(Jika aku itu kamu, aku akan berhati-hati dengan tanggal kadaluarsa makanan di toko tsb.)

§  Every runner doesn’t want to fall behind.
(Setiap pelari tidak ingin tertinggal di belakang.)
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Monday, August 5, 2013

Bentuk karangan bahasa ingggris

Fungsi Discussion: Untuk menyajikan informasi dan pendapat tentang lebih dari satu sisi masalah ("untuk" poin "melawan" poin).
Generic structure discussion:
- Membuka pernyataan menyajikan masalah
- Argumen atau bukti untuk sudut pandang yang berbeda (pro dan kontra)
- Penutup Rekomendasi
* Penggunaan kata benda umum
* Penggunaan kata kerja yang berkaitan
* Menggunankan thinking verbs: think, feel, hope believe, etc.
* Penggunaan additive connectives: addition, furthermore, besides, etc.
* Penggunaan causal connectives: because, because of, etc.
* Penggunaan adverbial manner: hopefully

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